FoxPe is a first-of-a-kind deals, discounts, and loyalty aggregator platform.
Here is how it works:
1. Go to the FoxPe app and select your location
2. Explore FoxPe partner merchants offering cashback and discounts in your town
3. Pay seamlessly through the merchant page on the FoxPe app to get discounts and to redeem/earn cashback points
Customer data privacy:
Your phone number is safe with us and it is not shared with FoxPe merchant partners or any other third party.
Maintaining the privacy of customer data is of paramount importance to us. Customers can choose to be a part of FoxPe partner merchants’ reward programs without revealing their phone numbers or any other contact details. Customers may choose to use their FoxPe ID as the universal identifier across all FoxPe partner merchants and avail the rewards/discounts/loyalty offers without revealing their personal data.